2013-14 Participants

Winning Team
Awards: Best Impact, Best Investment
Team: Cindy Ye, Jennifer Wittig, Zoila Jenning
School: Kellogg School of Management
Company presented: Jail Education Solutions
The team won top MIINT honors by winning both the Best Impact and Best Investment awards, earning a $50K angel investment into their presented company,Jail Education Solutions (JES). JES is an early stage social enterprise that provides educational content for inmates through tablet technology, aiming to reduce recidivism and increase employment opportunities. The angel investment will help JES launch pilot programs in seven correctional facilities.
Other Awards
Runner-up Best Investment
School: Michigan Ross School of Business & Wharton (joint team)
Company presented: Raise
Team: Owen Henkel, Edward Nie, Steve Brady, Kenny Fahey, Katherine Feeney, Joanna Herrmann, Edward Wexler-Beron, Liliya Ivanova, Joanna Abousleiman
Best Diligence
School: David Eccles School of Business
Company presented: Bloc Power
Team: Anders Aabo, Greg Armstrong, Scott Davenport, Carlos Eyzaguirre, Chuck Haugan, Shaun Goh, Vishnu Ravikumar, Jace McLaws, Dustin Shay, Regina Grogan
Business school participants