Text Template
H1: MBA students form teams at the start of the academic year
H2: Source Serif Pro Italic
Body Copy: Source Serif Pro 28px: As a team, the students engage in sourcing and conducting due diligence on real-world, early-stage impact investment opportunities, with the support
of the Turner online curriculum. Bold, Italic
All participants complete the MIINT’s online course on impact investing.
Regular callout Extracurricular Opportunities: Students have access to additional training and networking opportunities throughout theacademic year, including career treks, exclusive presentations, and other events
H3: Astoria Sans Light: 28
Turner MIINT is a collaboration between Bridges Impact Foundation and the Wharton Social Impact Initiative
Custom Patterns
To use custom patterns, click the blue plus near the top of the editor, click patterns, and choose Studio Mesh from the dropdown. Once you become more familiar with the names of each pattern, you can also search for the pattern when adding new blocks to pages.
There are 7 different patterns:
- Team Row Module
- Callout Quote
- Large Black Callout Link w/ Arrow
- Small Green calllout link w/ Arrow
- News & Research Row
- Two Column Image Grid
- Three Column Image Grid
Below, see examples of each of the patterns with placeholder content
Team Row Module
Team Member Name
Team Member Title
Team Member Bio – Press return to create a new paragraph.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nullam semper nulla sed nisl tristique, sollicitudin varius nisl interdum. Nunc pellentesque dui ac mauris malesuada dapibus. Vivamus eleifend hendrerit nisl ac porta.
Callout Quote
“Quote Callout: Source Serif Pro SemiBold Italic 28 px: The due diligence was quite comprehensive. They of course used documents I already had prepared, like our pitch deck, P&L statement, financial statements. But there were also some new things that I had to put together for them — a few appendices, various tables, certain things that they needed. These documents have been particularly useful for me for other due diligence.”
—EVmatch’s Heather Hochrein (h3)
Callout Link With Arrow
Small Green Callout link with arrow